Nikki Cowen skydives for Gombards
Service manager Nikki is no stranger to going the distance as a ultra-marathon runner, and has taken part in fundraising marathons for United Response in the past.
But when that distance is vertical, Nikki is well outside her comfort zone! Despite this, Nikki has designed to stretch herself to do a charity skydive alongside a family member of someone supported at Gombards to raise money for the service.
Gombards is a fantastic service which is home to 8 people with complex needs. The service is completely focussed on giving everyone choice, independence and creative outlets. Just one example of this is United Sparkles, where art is created using hand-over-hand techniques and sold in local fairs, which is a great way for the service to become a well-known part of the local community in Welwyn.
Nikki is doing the skydive to raise money to develop a sensory garden seating area for the benefit of everyone at Gombards, plus their family and friends.
Please consider giving generously to support Nikki and the team.
Good luck Nikki – rather you than us!!
Photo credit: Pexels