Gift Aid

It means that we can claim 25p of tax for every £1 you donate, at no extra cost to you. All you need to do is complete a Gift Aid declaration.
To qualify for Gift Aid:
- you need to be a UK taxpayer
- you need to have paid or expect to pay enough income/capital gains tax in the tax year your gift was received to cover all the Gift Aid donations you made to charity that year
- you need to make a Gift Aid declaration
- if you are completing an enduring Gift Aid declaration, you also need to be sure you paid enough tax to cover the donations you made in the previous four years.
You can do this by:
- ticking the Gift Aid box when you donate
- completing our Gift Aid form
Once completed, please remember to let us know of any changes to your tax status, including changes to your name and address, so we can ensure that no further claims are made against your donations.
Do I need to make a separate Gift Aid declaration to cover each tax year?
No, you only need to make a declaration once. We’ll keep this declaration as your enduring permission to claim Gift Aid tax relief on all donations. It will cover the previous four years, the current year, and any donations you might make to us in the future.
If you haven’t paid tax to cover your past donations or you stop paying tax in the future, please let us know as soon as possible by emailing:
What if I pay a higher rate of tax?
If you’re a higher rate taxpayer, we’re still only able to claim the basic rate of tax on your donation.
However, you can claim the difference between the 20 per cent we claim and the tax you pay when you submit your annual tax return.
What if I stop paying tax? Can I withdraw the declaration?
You can cancel the declaration at any time by emailing your full name and address, including your postcode, to:
Please do this as soon as possible.
I’m a pensioner. Do my donations qualify?
Income from state pensions alone is unlikely to qualify as you’d need to earn above the personal allowance threshold to pay income tax.
If this is your only source of income, we advise that you check with your tax office before completing a declaration.
Is there any extra paperwork for me to complete?
No, but you may wish to keep a record of donations you make to charity in each tax year. This will help ensure that you continue to pay enough tax to cover the payments you make under Gift Aid.
Does my declaration cover all donations I’ve ever made to you?
We only have four years in which to claim the tax relief on your donations. If donations you’ve made go back further than four years, we’ll only apply the tax relief to donations within the allowed period.
Further information
If you have any more questions, please contact us at:
Thank you!