A Halloween ghost story by Donna Harrison

Once there lived a girl called Rosemary who lived with her father Tim.
She entered through the front door. First thing she saw was a mirror on the wall. This mirror once belonged to Catherine, a girl that lived in this house before.
As she looked into this mirror, it began to shine. Rosemary looked through it as light came from the window in the room. One side of the mirror was an invisible door.
As she stepped inside the door, a girl in white dress and long brown hair looked at Rosemary’s face: “Are you my sister?”
Rosemary replied “No I’m not your sister!”
Rosemary closed the door, in fear of opening it again.
She later told her father about this event but he didn’t believe his daughter and thought it was her imagination.
She never spoke of this ever again. It was too scary to talk about in her mind.
She then went back to some cupboard belonging to the stairs. There was no girl, just an empty door.
Rosemary was confused. She had daydreams.
Tim saw her daughter looking at the door and it seemed odd to him.
“Why are you looking at this cupboard?” said Tim, as he looked at his daughter closing the door.
She went upstairs and she didn’t answer her father.
Rosemary looked into the mirror as she saw a face of a girl: “Are you my sister?”
Catherine looked at Rosemary’s face.
Once again Rosemary saw Catherine standing by herself.
Rosemary looked at her sad eyes.
“Your sister is no longer here” she said.
Catherine was glad of this information and faded away until it was just Rosemary in the room.
Rosemary walked downstairs to see her dad. There is no more Catherine in the room.
Rosemary smiled at Dad – it is over.
About Donna
Donna Harrison is an interviewer for the Our Life Stories oral history project and a media contributor for United Response. She enjoys painting and doing other arts and crafts in her spare time. Donna says her faith is also very important to her.