The Aldingbourne Trust’s Creative Arts Studio is based in Bognor Regis. Run by qualified and experienced staff and volunteers, they support around 40 artists of mixed abilities including Celia, who lives with two housemates in one of our supported living services in Felpham.

Celia loves to paint and has been making art since she was a child:

It helps me relax.

Creative Art Studio’s classes aim to support adults with learning disabilities and autism ‘to develop as artists in a friendly and social environment’. Celia’s been attending them for over a decade now and says it’s a great way to meet people and make new friends.

(Blog continues under gallery.)

Instructor Samuel McGann said:

I have known Celia for just over ten years now and her confidence in her abilities as an artist have grown considerably over this time. Her style has become recognisable with her bold use of acrylic paint.

Although the classes often have a theme, for example, still life, Celia’s favourite thing to paint is animals. Her recent painting ‘A cat and interior’ was displayed at the Artisan Gallery in Chichester and it sold as soon as it was displayed. She’s also sold other work in the past and takes great pride in this.

Lead CAS Instructor Helen Wilkinson added:

Celia is a valued member of the Creative Arts Studio and we are so proud of her achievements. Well done Celia! Here’s to more sales and appreciation of your wonderful paintings.

If you’d like to view or buy one of Celia’s pictures, please contact the Creative Arts Studio on 01243 838535, on social media at @creativeartsstudio73 or email to arrange with Celia and the team.

  • Jenna Lloyd is Senior Content Officer for United Response.