Chief Executive’s response to Joint Select Committee Report on Human Rights

In response to today’s report from the Joint Committee on Human Rights, Tim Cooper, Chief Executive at learning disability charity United Response, said:
“The Committee’s review paints a devastating picture of inhumane treatment of young people with learning disabilities and autism in mental health units. More disturbing is that it follows successive reports this year, all of them damning indictments of systemic failure.
“Time after time we hear of wrongful detention, of segregation and restraint causing terrible suffering and violating the rights of vulnerable people and targets to reduce the number of people in mental-health hospitals not being met. Time after time recommendations and solutions have been ignored or badly implemented by Government.
“Prime ministers, Health Secretaries and Care Minister have all promised to end this treatment and they have all failed. We welcome the recommendations of the Committee to safeguard the human rights of young people, but they must be implemented. Specialist support in community settings must be made available for young people to move to.
“Government commitment to this in the NHS long term plan will be another empty promise without funding for properly integrated local health and care services. Social Care reform and a long-lasting system to sustain it has been delayed for years. The current Government has continued this delay despite commitments made by the new Prime minister. Unless this challenge is met today’s tragic report will not be the last.”