CQC is correct to highlight good quality care, but still not enough being done

In response to the Care Quality Commission’s (CQC) annual report into the State of Care, Mark Ospedale, Director of Corporate Services at learning disability charity United Response, said:
“This year’s CQC State of Care report rightly highlights overall good quality care across the sector despite significant challenges over the past year. But these achievements should not mask the fact that far too many vulnerable people are still not receiving the care they need nor getting it in time.
“The CQC is correct to this year focus on learning disability services and highlight the critical role of local and community-based care, the absence of which can lead to devastating and lasting consequences. At United Response, we are showing the clear value of providing tailored support to people in the communities in which they belong.
“Without the right support at the right time, vulnerable people across the country are put at real risk of needing immediate and costly intervention. Aside from obvious damage to the individual, this places even greater financial strain on an already beleaguered system.
“We still have grave concerns around the prevalence of outdated and institutionalised hospital care settings for people with learning disabilities or autism – these practices should be consigned to history where they belong. Likewise the continued use of segregation and restrictive measures must stop without delay.
“The report’s recognition of issues with staffing and skills within the care sector is also an agreed concern, but only serves to highlight the vital role which dedicated and experienced providers of quality care like United Response play. The people we support benefit from truly bespoke care and live independent, fulfilled lives in their local communities as a result.”