Film review: ‘Then Barbara Met Alan’

About the film
Then Barbara Met Alan is a 2022 TV film about cabaret performers and disability activists, Barbara Lisicki and Alan Holdsworth.
After being treated badly and left out of certain places because of their disabilities, the couple created the Disabled People’s Direct Action Network (DAN). They organised protests for disabled people shouting things like “Nothing about us without us”. This led to the government creating the Disability Discrimination Act of 1995.
Here’s Donna’s review:
We have a right to be treated in a way that is fit for society. They look down on us because of the way we look. It is not fair that we can’t get jobs because we have mental health problems. Pity – that is not charity.
In the film, a person goes to the till and doesn’t get served because of the way they look. They are rejected. They go to cafes and restaurants to be turned away because they were in a wheelchair.
Alan found hope the minute he met Barbara. Hope in the battle to win against stigma. To feel welcome, to fight loud and proud for the cause, because of Barbara.
In 1992 it was not easy to get on buses if you had a wheelchair. Now there are ramps to on the buses for easy access.
We have not been treated equally. As objects of mocking and unfair treatment. Disabled people will not be ignored anymore. Life is a gift, to share our experience.
There is nothing wrong with being disabled – something is wrong with them. Barbara feels this way.
We have a right to be free. To be treated fairly.
People should be kind to us, not look at me in an odd way. Make us feel welcome in cafes and restaurants and anywhere else.
I need patience in every way, to be fair to me.
To smile and play with me in the playground – not to say no wheelchairs are allowed.
We are not rejected anymore. In the future, I hope to win the battle against stigma forever.
Here is a poem I was inspired to write after watching the film:
Don’t look through me
Why do you stutter?
Why do you take your time?
You don’t have patience for me,
You make me stand in line.
Why do you stutter?
Why do you take your time?
It makes me feel ignored,
I have not committed a crime.
Why do you stutter?
Why do you take your time?
Haven’t you heard of Makaton?
It would help if you could sign.
Why do you stutter?
Why do you take your time?
All I want to do today,
Is find somebody kind.
Then Barbara Met Alan was written by Jack Thorne and it stars Ruth Madeley and Arthur Hughes.
It’s available to watch on BBC iPlayer or Netflix.
About Donna
Donna Harrison is an interviewer for the Our Life Stories oral history project and a media contributor for United Response. She enjoys painting and doing other arts and crafts in her spare time. Donna says her faith is also very important to her.