How Emma built her skills and confidence through a supported internship with United Response

Fixing computers at the Tech Bar
Emma started her Supported Internship programme by challenging herself in a testing role at the Tech Bar, an IT department located within The Christie Hospital.
She displayed a fantastic willingness to learn as she spent time shadowing and taking notes. She learned how to re-image laptops and install new RAM batteries, putting this into practice and becoming more independent.
Emma became a valued member of the team and certainly left a positive impression on everyone she worked with. She demonstrated her high level of communication and social skills, addressing clients at the front help desk.
Emma also became comfortable travelling independently. Having never used public transport alone before, she now travels between home, college and work with confidence.

Working with children at a nursery
After Christmas, Emma began a placement working in The Christie Day Nursery. Working as a nursery assistant, Emma enjoyed playing with and reading to the children. She helped organise activities, arrange snack and lunch times and had to do a lot of tidying up!
Emma has a very caring attitude and was always on hand to help the young children with any troubles they may face, whether that be putting on coats to go outside, or encouraging them to share toys. With a very supportive team, Emma finds this to be a very enjoyable role.
Serving customers at a café
Following the Easter holidays, Emma picked up her third role on the Supported Internship programme at a café called Lily’s at Eden. Having had work experience in cafés and canteens before her internship, it was felt this may be the area where Emma might like to pursue paid work.
In such a fast-paced, customer-serving environment, Emma has demonstrated her natural ‘people skills’ early on.
The café can be very busy but Emma enjoys interacting with customers and is great at making them feel welcomed. She’s also very proactive and quick to tidy up and wipe down tables so that they are clean and ready for the next customers.
Emma has really enjoyed this role and as she lives locally, she sees lots of familiar faces whilst on shift!
Looking for paid work
As she nears the end of her time on the Supported Internship, Emma now feels ready to pursue paid work.
Her confidence has grown massively since September and she would like to work in a café or a shop where she can interact with people. She is currently in the process of job searching and sending off applications for part-time, customer-facing roles.
Through the Supported Internship programme, Emma has been able to build skills and confidence, enhance her CV, become more employable and develop a clearer understanding of the career she would like to pursue.
This is a credit to her attitude and all the hard work she has put in over the year.
Could you offer a work placement to someone like Emma?
We are looking for employers in Manchester, Bradford, York, Cornwall and Devon to join our supported employment or internship programmes.
- Stephen Lunn is a Job Coach for United Response’s Manchester Supported Employment service.