How your donations helped keep Kevin connected during lockdown

Lockdown saw families and friends up and down the country unable to meet and communicate face to face.
Because of this, we launched our Keeping People Connected campaign to provide technology to help people with disabilities keep in touch with their loved ones via the internet. Thank you to everyone that contributed.
Helping Kevin keep connected
Just before lockdown we helped Kevin move from a residential service in Yorkshire into his own home in Newcastle. We continue to support Kevin in his home, helping him live his life as he chooses.
Kevin (who is registered blind and has a mild learning disability and autism) joined a local drama group when he moved.
Unfortunately lockdown came in before Kevin was able to start attending the group, which limited his opportunities to make new friends.
The drama group started having online meetings. Unfortunately, Kevin couldn’t join the meetings as he didn’t have any way of connecting to the internet.
Donations from our supporters enabled Kevin to get a tablet. He’s now able to meet local people through the online drama group meetings.
Kevin is also able to keep in touch with his old friends from Yorkshire via Zoom meetings, keeping them up to date on how the move went and what his new home is like.
Kevin also uses his tablet to watch YouTube, listen to music and shop online – all in the privacy of his own room.
Kevin says that the tablet:
…has come in handy, I can watch the old shows that are not on TV anymore, like old episodes of Eastenders. I can also look at things on the internet and buy things.
Thank you to everyone that donated to our Keeping People Connected campaign – your generosity is ensuring that people like Kevin are able to stay in touch with friends and family.
You can still make a donation to help people like Kevin live their lives to the full.