‘I’m still fighting, still living for Umesh’: Rajani and Umesh’s story

Why did you choose this house?
It all started because I had an accident and I can’t physically look after him. His Dad works full time and his twin sister is also under pressure so we needed somewhere for Umesh.
We were looking – this was four or five years ago. We were told we were on the priority list from Kingston Council and they’d let us know if anything comes up. They showed us this place – I was so pleased as it is so close to home.
Before this, he was in Croydon and it was so hard for his Dad after work. He works in Reading – he’d go to pick him up, by the time he came home it was 10pm. Every weekend he was home. At the moment, he comes every other week. He comes home on Friday and then back on Sunday night. Because physically I can’t do things for him. I’m really happy because I don’t want to let him go. His twin sister will pick him up but doesn’t like to take him back – she’ll say no.
Umesh started in June because he is high risk. We are slowly now feeling happy, because in the future, we are getting old. I’ve got loads of problems and still have to have surgery. I’m still actually waiting for him to settle down so I can have my surgery. I just want to be happy that he is happy here.
I want him to feel like it’s his home, because for his twin sister she has gone through hell with me. I had 16 surgeries. I don’t have a bowel, I’ve a stoma, spinal cord damage, but anyway that’s the thing for me – I’m still fighting, still living for Umesh. I don’t want to die until I know that he is happy in some place.
Would you say he was happy here?
This is verbally, he can’t say – so that’s the problem. When we say ‘Umesh we are going’ – he’s getting ready. When he comes here, he’s happy, he goes straight into his room. I’m hoping he will give me more signs or whatever. He was the last one to join the house.
How do you feel?
I’m happy that the mums here are really great. That’s the thing – they have the same connection with the children, their sons.
Have you any inkling as to whether he is nearly there?
Nearly there. I think he is because the house, location, the staff, I’m happy. That’s the thing – I don’t want to let go.
This content is part of our Mother’s Day series – read more interviews like this.