“It must become more.” United Response comments on Government’s newly released National Disability Strategy

Mark Ospedale, Director of corporate services at United Response, said:
“Government’s much-anticipated National Disability Strategy is an important and welcome step towards improving the lives and opportunities of disabled people.
“Placing people with lived experience at the heart of the strategy was a positive inclusive approach, but one which should always help shape any social and health care plans. Work also needs to be done on how this input is sought, with some questions causing confusion or offence to disabled respondents.
“Improving access to education, accessible housing and employment for disabled people is a good start, and the pledge to produce yearly progress reports hints at a longer-term commitment and ‘transformative’ approach from Government.
“Unfortunately, the strategy gives far too little detail on how specific Government departments aim to bring these plans to life and deliver positive outcomes for disabled people – both in the short and long-term.
“Today’s strategy is a solid enough beginning but it must become more. Government must now outline the practical steps it will take to be truly transformative on a range of issues affecting disabled people every single day.
“We eagerly await Government’s first progress report next summer on a year of solid actions – not words – which have helped disabled people live better lives.”