Joe and Sue’s story

My son Joe is supported by United Response. He lives in a United Response property, and he has support with banking, cooking, shopping, and making tea. He also does cabaret, filming and drama with United Response’s ROC Creative. On Saturdays he likes to go to see Exeter City if they’re playing at home. So it’s quite busy!
Joe grew up in Honiton, which is where we live as a family. Joe is very friendly, very funny, and he loves performing. His interest in drama seemed to develop very naturally. It’s just how he is…he’s very outgoing! In school he took part in plays, and then he joined a pantomime society in our local town. He was part of the group for a couple of years, and one year, he asked if he could have a speaking part. He was really nervous to try and remember it all, but he did it fine. He also did stand-up comedy with them, and he just loved the reaction that he got from the audience.

Joe is 28 now, and still very driven by acting. He definitely knows exactly what he wants to do. He does get very nervous once he gets near the stage, but once he’s on there, he comes alive. He’s part of United Response’s ROC Creative, and they’ve been fantastic. Joe has bombarded them with lots of ideas for things that he’s wanted to do, and they’ve really gone with his passion. They’ve done a lot of filming, shows and exhibitions which we’ve gone to see. Their most recent show was in a theatre in Torquay a few months ago. Joe even had the chance to interview actor Leon Harrop, from BBC’s Ralph and Katie. That was just amazing.
Leon’s advice for Joe:
You’re doing an amazing job what you’re doing. You never know, you might work with me in the future
Joe lived at home until he was about eighteen, and now he lives in a United Response flat. We always knew we wanted him to live as independently as possible, to give him that opportunity to have a life of his own. Joe’s move out of home was made quite easy. I had a huge amount of support from Nikki, Team Manager. It was still a big thing, but as a family we knew it was the right thing to do. Joe has good support around him, and I’m about 45 minutes away if he needs anything. Joe’s also very good on his phone, the Internet and at face timing, so everything has worked so far.

Joe shares his flat with one other person who also goes to ROC Creative. They take part in the same productions, share interests, and are close. For Joe the best thing about being supported by United Response has been the acting but he has also been taught how to travel independently on a bus, and he’s doing a lot more in shops. Living with a flatmate who he’s able to talk to about his interests, has been a good thing as well. We’ve been very proud to share what he’s achieved.