“I’m Donna and one of my favourite things is researching history. I have found some interesting people whose lives tell us a lot about what the world was like in the past. I have already published stories about royalty and about Temple Grandin. I have now researched a modern-day figure with learning disabilities.

Harvey Price was born on Monday 27th May 2002, son of well-known public figure Katie Price. Harvey has three other siblings. He has a sister named Princess and brothers Junior and Jett.

Harvey is partially blind due to a condition called “septo-optic dysplasia”. He has also been diagnosed as autistic and has Prader Willi Syndrome, which has a wide range of physical and behavioural symptoms.

I thought that Katie has been a good mother to Harvey. In the media I watched, she was patient and understanding and went above and beyond to educate herself about his disability and make difficult decisions about their lives.

In the interview she also tries to educate her other children about his disability. The other children had not known any different life than spending it with Harvey; it was easy for them to just love him as their big brother.

A photo of Harvey and Katie, from their Instagram page

A well-known public figure

When I have researched other famous disabled people from history, some would be ‘locked away’ from the public by their families. Harvey’s story is very different, which makes me pleased.

Harvey is an accepted and loved part of his family. This brings a message to people who view him in the media that people with learning disabilities should be accepted and loved for who they are. They shouldn’t be changed or hidden away, but supported to use their skills, creativity and different abilities; whether that be art, ballet, modelling, working or volunteering.

Harvey is an ambassador for disability charity Mencap, and said he wanted to “do good things with the charity like stop online trolling and be a voice for young people like me”. Harvey Price has released clothing designs which reflect his love of frogs!

Harvey also became ambassador to autism campaign group, Anna Kennedy Online, and is also an ambassador of train operator Lumo Train.

Harvey’s multiple disabilities means that he needs just the right support system for him. There is often not enough done to make sure that everyone has the funding and specialist support so they can thrive. I can imagine Katie Price feeling lonely and worried about what the future might hold.

No limits

Harvey and his mother are determined that he is not limited by his disability. Harvey is encouraged to live a normal life.

When I was a young child, I had behaviours that might have been difficult. But my sister and mum loved me for who I am. At times, I thought there was something wrong with me and I wanted to do things like other people. But like Harvey’s family, they accepted me, and that reminded me that I didn’t need to worry if I was normal or not. I was no longer separate from them.

It’s important that everyone who needs it can have support to keep safe when out and about, do their finances, laundry, looking after themselves, making friends, communicating – everything that makes up a good life. I think more research is needed, more action is needed and more education about disabilities is needed in schools. I still see people being picked on, and it’s not right.

So there’s still lots of change that’s needed, but Harvey’s story tells me that we’re on the right track.”

Image credits: Pexels and @officialmrharveyprice on Instagram