London Marathon runners raise a record-breaking £62,000

Our cheerers set up early at mile 19 ready to give a massive cheer to all of our runners who passed through and to get some photos of them.
Cheerers were armed with balloons, banners and loud voices ready to give all of our runners a massive boost as they passed. The weather on the day was mild – perfect running weather – and the crowds soon started to gather creating an electric atmosphere.
Team United Response
This year we had an incredible 28 runners joining Team United Response for this year’s race. Some were taking part in their first marathon, others were trying to beat a personal best – one of our fundraisers, Kate, was completing her 60th marathon! But one thing that all the runners had in common was that they were determined to smash the course and raise as much money and awareness for United Response as possible – and that they did! Raising over £62,500 so far with more donations continuing to arrive.
Celebrating an amazing achievement
After the marathon a number of runners and their families joined us at our reception in Westminster. Here we were able to show our appreciation to all of them and thank them for all their hard work both on the day and in the run up to the marathon. Guests were treated to a range of refreshments, and our wonderful volunteers from St Mary’s University gave much-appreciated sports massages to soothe their aching legs.
Thank you to all our runners
Everyone at United Response would like to say an absolutely massive thank you to our whole team for their fantastic efforts – what an amazing achievement! A marathon is no easy challenge and we are in awe of all of them. Not only have they completed the London Marathon, but they have collectively raised over £62,000 so far. We are so incredibly proud of each and every one of them.
Check out all the photos from the day on our Facebook page.
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Is running not your thing? Join our 2019 RideLondon Team.
Thank you very much to St Mary’s University for supporting us with volunteers and to St Andrew’s Youth Club for the use of their club.