People with learning disabilities need to use their right to vote in local elections

Local and Mayoral elections are taking place across England, Scotland and Wales on 3rd May.
United Response believes that everyone should have the chance to use their right to vote. Many people with learning disabilities are not using this right.
Accessibility and representation
Since 2005 United Response has been successfully breaking down barriers to increase the number of voters among people with learning disabilities.
Since setting up our Every Vote Counts project, we have found that most people we support really want to vote and take part in the electoral process, but often don’t vote because information about voting and politics is inaccessible. We also found a lack of understanding among politicians and those involved in running elections about the needs of people with learning disabilities.
A lack of accessible information about voting presents a barrier to the 1.5 million adults in the UK who have learning disabilities using their right to vote, as many people with learning disabilities find election material difficult to understand.
A lack of political representation among political parties for people with learning disabilities can often be disenfranchising for them to take part in the political process.
Our dedicated Every Vote Counts website works to equip people with learning disabilities and their supporters with accessible information on the democratic process, in order for people to be able to make an informed choice at the polls.
Looking for accessible information?
We understand that much of mainstream information on politics can often be difficult to understand for many people with learning disabilities. Want more resources on what to expect on polling day?
Check out our online resources
Want to share your experience of voting?
We are always interested in hearing about people’s experiences of voting.