Putting in the groundwork: transforming an allotment in Ipswich

John, David and Andrew and their staff team originally got the allotment three years ago, but the space they were using needed a lot of upkeep and kept getting overrun with weeds. They spoke to the allotment manager Jean and she moved them to an easier plot.
Since then, John and David have built three beds with the support of some of the other plot holders. They received a small grant from Mencap which meant they could get the bed kits, some compost and seed potatoes.
They’ve been growing lots of different vegetables including onions, courgettes and cabbages, taking them home and cooking with them.
Andrew looks after the herb garden, and brings the others cups of tea when he doesn’t feel like gardening himself.
John and David really enjoy going to the allotment, joining in with other plot holders and taking part in social events like coffee mornings and their Christmas event.
David said:
I go to the allotment with John or sometimes by myself.
It looks nice there now. We’ve got raised beds and we’ve planted all different types of herbs like mint.
I like going there. It makes me feel happy.
John agreed:
I like going to the allotment but we don’t go when it’s raining. We grow food there.

Senior Support Worker Dee said:
We take food from the allotment and cook it at home. We’ve had some beetroot, strawberries, carrots, onions and runner beans.
We’re bringing it from the ground to our bellies!
They are now looking at which salad vegetables they can plant for Summer next year.
The team also look after a bed full of flowers – which is particularly popular with members of staff:
Sometimes we pick the flowers and they have a vase of flowers in the house – absolutely beautiful.
We’re looking forward to seeing more pictures from the allotment as the warmer weather comes in!
- Jenna Lloyd is Senior Content Officer for United Response.