Reimagining what good support looks like at More Than A Provider

On 28 March, I had the pleasure of attending ‘The Big Connect‘, the second event in the More Than A Provider series.
Together with like-minded support providers Certitude, Choice Support and MacIntyre, our More Than A Provider events demonstrate how co-production with disabled and autistic people and their families can lead to a better future for social care.
This work is all part of our long-term strategy to find ways to work with people we support to deepen community connections. It also links with our wider work with Social Care Future – a movement to ‘reimagine’ how support for people can change.
Discussions included topics like how to involve people we support in decision making, and how Community Circles support people take control of their lives. There were also lots of fun, creative activities that people could take part in, such as music, print-making, sewing and jewellery making.

United Response will be hosting the next More Than A Provider event on Tuesday 23 May 2023 at Bristol’s MShed Museum.
Follow us on social media @unitedresponse or check our news and blogs page for more updates.