United Response appoints two new trustees in diversity drive

Satya and Paul’s skills in digital technology and business systems will support our strategic intent, where we will use our learnings from working through the pandemic as a blueprint for how we work in the future.
As part of a commitment to further improve diversity in our leadership team, we used our recruitment process to seek candidates from black and ethnic minority communities or with lived experience of a disability.
Both new trustees were co-opted to the United Response board in 2020 and officially became board members following the charity’s AGM during 2021. Co-opted trustees join a committee at any time of the year, when they would normally join following an AGM election.
Last year, we responded to the Black Lives Matter movement by seeking to tackle inequality of any kind experienced by our staff or people we support.
We established a new regular diversity forum to engage with staff on equality and diversity issues, and the appointment of the new trustees takes this drive for diversity one step further.
Former senior civil servant Paul is a CIMA-qualified accountant bringing 20 years of consulting experience to his new role.
With a track record of winning new business and delivering technology-backed transformations in both public and private sectors, he has also spent time working as a trustee for Cerebral Palsy Sport.
Senior executive Satya brings a wealth of experience in technology and management consultancy.
During a vast and varied career, he has built businesses from scratch, improved underperforming organisations and delivered complex technology initiatives to not-for-profits, government bodies and smaller companies.
Born and educated in India, Satya has worked and lived in countries spanning Europe, Asia, Africa, America and the Middle East.
In response to being appointed, Satya said:
It is impossible not to be inspired by United Response, especially its extraordinary staff working to support people with learning disabilities and mental health issues. I consider it a privilege to be part of this amazing organisation and contribute in my own way.
Digital technology is now all around us, freely changing the way we interact and engage with each other. I passionately believe that United Response and the people we support can benefit immensely from this new technology. I am excited by the possibilities and look forward to bringing my experience and expertise to help realise these digital opportunities.
United Response chief executive Tim Cooper said:
We are thrilled to welcome Satya and Paul to United Response, both of whom will add valuable knowledge and insight to our charity’s future strategic direction.
We are looking forward to utilising their experience and embedding some of their values into our work.