United Response staff in York go above and beyond, providing a Food Club for people in need during lockdown

The ‘United Response Food Club’ provided two freshly prepared and cooked meals a day, seven days a week, along with welfare checks, health walks and delivering prescriptions.
The funding they received, totalling an amazing £14,000, allowed our team in York to provide a most vital service, travelling over 3,000 miles to check in on those who needed more support.
Whilst lockdown was for the safety of all, restrictions left many older people stranded, isolated and without access to shopping and essential services, especially those with a disability.
The Food Club was also able to provide the service over Christmas, including some Christmas hampers, bringing some much-needed cheer after such a difficult year.
‘A God send’
Simon Copper, Service Manager, was first to identify the need for the Food Club and is responsible for championing its continuation and coordinating operations.
Simon said:
“Thanks to the support of donors, we were able to support more vulnerable and isolated people. There are numerous examples where the Food Club was lifesaving.”
Simon gave the following example:
“Mr and Mrs H used the Food Club for three months, until they were back on their feet. They describe it as ‘a God send’ as they had been in dire straits before it came along.”
Other people who accessed the service said:
My daughter is disabled, and there are days we can’t get out, so the food delivery has really helped us.
We struggled with bills, so the food has been a great help.
I’m terrified of going out shopping during lockdown, and getting the food delivered has helped me a lot. Thanks for continuing to bring it every week.
As I can’t walk far or carry many things, the food delivery has been lovely, and the food is so nice.
I can’t move after my operation, and the food provided every day has really helped me.
Supporting people with workplace skills
Simon also saw this as an opportunity to provide young jobseekers with valuable work experience.

Cameron, pictured above, worked with the Food Club team for two weeks.
During this time, he learned how to order and rotate stock, design menus, prepare food, cook meals, package meals and close down the kitchen.
It’s only because of support from our donors that we can provide additional community services such as York Food Club.
We need your help to reach more disabled people with our life-changing services.
Please, give a gift to help more people like Cameron and the Food Club beneficiaries this Christmas.
This content is part of our Christmas2021 series.
- Maxine Spry is Grant Fundraiser at United Response.
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