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Easy News: Boris Johnson resigns from being Prime Minister

This Easy News story is about the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson announcing he will resign, leaving his job in the autumn of 2022.

Easy News: Boris Johnson resigns from being Prime Minister

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    1. Boris Johnson has said he will stop being the Prime Minister of the UK in the Autumn. This is called resigning.

    2. A new Prime Minister will be chosen by the Conservative Party by October.

    3. Lots of people have been asking for Boris Johnson to resign over the last few months.

    4. A ‘Vote of No Confidence’ was held in June, where everyone in Parliament was asked if they wanted to keep him as Prime Minister or not. He won that vote, but 41% of MPs from his own political party voted for him to leave.

    5. Over 50 members of the Government have quit over the last few days, saying they no longer trust him to lead the Conservative Party and the country.

    6. This is because Boris Johnson has been involved in lots of situations where he has been accused of lying to the public. Accused means when someone is thought to have done something bad but there is not yet proof of it.

    7. This week, he was accused of pretending not to know about some serious complaints made about someone he gave a job in Parliament to. The man – Chris Pincher – was accused of touching two men at a party without their permission.

    8. He later admitted he was told about this complaint in 2019 but still gave Chris Pincher the job.

    9. In April, Boris got in trouble for breaking Covid lockdown rules by going to a party on his birthday in June 2020 and was told to pay a fine. A fine is an amount of money someone is told they must pay as punishment for breaking the rules.

    10. Boris Johnson has been Prime Minister for over three years, after the previous Prime Minister, Theresa May, resigned.

    11. The Conservative Party has been leading the UK since 2010.

    12. The next General Election is supposed to take place in 2024. This is when the public gets asked to vote for who they want to run the country. It usually happens every four years.

    13. For easy-read information about voting and elections, go to

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