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Easy News: England and Wales local election results 2022

This Easy News story is about the local elections that took place in England and Wales on Thursday 5 May 2022.

Easy News: England and Wales local election results 2022

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    1. On Thursday 5 May, elections were held across many areas of the UK for people to choose their local councillor.

    2. Councillors are the people who run councils. They make big decisions about how to spend people’s council tax and the money the Government gives each area in the UK.

    3. This includes money spent on schools, community services, parks and open spaces, rubbish collections and libraries.

    4. Every councillor gets a vote on how the money for their area is spent. One councillor may vote to spend the money on better street cleaning, while another may vote to look after open spaces.

    5. Most councillors are members of political parties. Political parties are groups of people who all have the same idea about how we should run the country.

    6. Some councillors have their own ideas about how to do things and do not support any political party. They are called Independent councillors.

    7. When the votes in England were counted after the elections, the Labour Party got the most councillors, with 2,265. This is 22 more than they had before.

    8. They also won majority control of 3 more councils, making 65 altogether. This means those councils have more councillors from the Labour Party than any other party.

    9. The Conservative Party came second, with 1,078 councillors and majority control of 35 councils. This was a bad result for them as it meant that they lost 336 councillors and 10 councils.

    10. The Liberal Democrats came third, with 712 councillors and 16 councils. That is 194 more councillors than they had before, and 3 more councils

    11. The Green Party came fourth, with 116 councillors, which is 63 more than they had before. They do not have majority control of any councils.

    12. In the Welsh local elections, the Labour Party now has control of the most councils, whilst the Conservatives lost control of their only one.

    13. For the next local elections in 2023, the UK government is trying to change the rules so that only people who have photo ID can vote.

    14. They say this is to help stop voter fraud, which is when people vote in someone else’s name to try and change the results.

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