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Easy News: party views on Immigration

We have gathered the views of the different parties on issues relating to immigration. This is the rules about which people from other countries are allowed to move to the UK to stay. These are summaries from the manifestos or announcements during the election period by the main English political parties.

Easy News: party views on Immigration

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  1. 1: Conservative Party views on immigration

    1. They want flights to Rwanda every month to remove illegal migrants.

    2. Set a maximum number on how many people can come to the UK to live from other countries. which will be lowered every year.

    3. They would like to stop illegal migrants from arguing their removal in the courts.

  2. 2: Labour Party views on immigration

    1. They will end the Rwanda scheme and hire more staff to process claims to stay in the UK from asylum seekers more quickly so they don't have to be kept in asylum hotels.

    2. An asylum-seeker is a person who has left their country of origin to seek safety in another country and is going through the legal process to see if they are allowed to stay.

    3. They will create a new police unit to help stop people smuggling gangs. These are criminals who make money from bringing people into the UK illegally. They will also send away 1000s more foreign criminals.

    4. Labour will set up a new team, with an extra 1,000 staff, to move people who do not have the right to stay here to safe countries.

  3. 3: Liberal Democrat Party views on immigration

    1. Get rid of the Conservatives’ Illegal Migration Act and their Rwanda scheme and provide safe and legal routes to sanctuary for refugees.

    2. Get through the amount of asylum applications by creating a special team to improve the speed and quality of asylum decision-making.

    3. Lift the ban on asylum seekers working if they have been waiting for a decision for more than three months.

  4. 4: The Green Party views on immigration

    1. They would replace the Home Office with a new Department of Migration and be separate from the criminal justice system. The Home Office is responsible for immigration, passports, drugs, crime, fire, counter-terrorism and police in the UK.

    2. Stop putting migrants in detention, unless they think they may be dangerous, and allow asylum seekers to work while they wait for their application to stay to be processed. Detention is when migrants are made to stay in certain places until their application to stay is processed.

    3. The Green Party would make the NHS free for migrants with visas.

  5. 5: Reform UK Party views on immigration

    1. They want to increase the amount of National Insurance employers pay when they hire workers from other countries from 13.8% to 20%. Essential health and care workers would be exempt from the tax.

    2. They want to stop people from coming to live in the UK from other countries unless they have skills to do jobs we need, such as doctors, nurses or business people earning good money.

    3. They want to leave the European Convention of Human Rights. This is an agreement the UK has signed up to, along with 45 other countries, to protect the human rights and freedoms of over 700 million people in Europe.

    4. The Reform party wants to stop illegal immigration, such as people coming into the UK on small boats, and reduce the number of people moving to the UK. They want to only let one new person in for every person who leaves.

    5. They want to treat illegal immigration as a big security problem, send people trying to come in illegally back to France and create a new department to handle immigration.

    6. The Reform party wants to send foreign criminals back to their home countries right after they finish their prison sentences and take away citizenship from immigrants who commit serious crimes. Citizenship is someone's membership to a country.

    7. The Reform party wants to make stricter rules for student visas so that only students with important skills can stay in the UK after they finish their studies.

    8. The Reform party plans to punish companies that hire workers without the right documents proving they're allowed to work.

    9. They want people who arrive in the UK to live to have to wait 5 years before they can claim any benefits.