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Easy News: party views on Social Care

We have gathered the views of the different parties on issues relating to social care. This is help given by the government for children, young people and adults with some kind of extra need. These are summaries from the manifestos or announcements during the election period by the main English political parties.

Easy News: party views on Social Care

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  1. 1: Conservative Party views on social care

    1. The Conservatives will give local authorities more money to help support social care. Local authorities are a group of people who look after services where you live.

    2. The Conservatives will cap social care costs from October 2025. This means they will stop the costs getting higher.

    3. The Conservatives will attract and retain a high-quality care workforce. This means they want to find and keep the best people.

  2. 2: Labour Party views on social care

    1. Labour will introduce a national care service. This is a bit like the NHS but for social care.

    2. They have said they will set up a Fair Pay Agreement for all workers but start with adult social care, so that carers are paid fairly.

    3. Labour will guarantee the rights of those in residential care to be able to see their families.

  3. 3: Liberal Democrats views on social care

    1. The Liberal Democrats will give people free personal care. Personal care is support to do things like getting washed and dressed.

    2. They will make sure that care workers are paid more money. This will help to get more care workers as there are not enough at the moment.

    3. They will give people who care for family or friends at home more money from the government, and time off that they are paid for.

  4. 4: The Green Party views on social care

    1. The Green Party will spend 20 billion pounds on social care. Some of this will go on free personal care and to pay social care staff more money.

  5. 5: Reform UK views on social care

    1. They have said fontline NHS and social care staff will pay less tax for their first three years.

    2. They will set up a royal commission within the first 100 days of a new government. This would draw up a national plan for a better way to support people who are older and disabled in the community.

    3. They want to change the way social care is funded so that all the money comes from one place and help the sector to pay less tax and VAT.