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Easy News: party views on the NHS

We have gathered the views of the different parties on issues relating to the NHS. The NHS is the organisation that provides health care to people in the UK, such as hospitals and doctors. These are summaries from the manifestos or announcements during the election period by the main English political parties.

Easy News: party views on the NHS

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  1. 1: Conservative Party views on the NHS

    1. They will make the NHS more productive by investing £3.4 billion in new technology

    2. They want to build 40 hospitals by 2030 and spend more money on out-of-hospital services. They will also build 50 more community diagnostic centres. These are centres where you can go for tests and scans.

    3. They want to expand the NHS Talking Therapies to help people with anxiety, stress and depression.

    4. They want to pass a new law so there is better treatment and support for severe mental health needs and make 140,000 more places for individual placement and support for severe mental illness.

    5. They want to build or modernise 250 GP surgeries. And they want more people to use pharmacies for things like menopause support and chest infections to free up 20 million GP appointments.

  2. 2: Labour Party views on the NHS

    1. Labour have promised to make sure people do not wait more than 18 weeks for treatment on the NHS.

    2. They say they will do this by adding more appointments over evenings and weekends, and by buying more scanners to help more people get tested quickly. They want there to be 40,000 more appointments every week.

    3. They will train thousands more GPs and guarantee a face to face appointment for everyone that wants. And, help people see the same doctor at each appointment if they want to.

    4. They will create Neighbourhood Health Centres where family doctors, district nurses, care workers, physiotherapists and mental health specialists will work together in one place.

    5. They want to bring down mental health wait times and recruit 8,500 additional mental health staff. They have said they will modernise the Mental Health Act.

    6. They will improve things for patients by changing the NHS app so patients have more control over their health

  3. 3: Liberal Democrat Party views on the NHS

    1. The Liberal Democrats want to spend more money on hospitals to make sure they are safe.

    2. They want to give everyone the right to see a doctor within 7 days, or 24 hours if it is urgent.

    3. They will make sure that everyone can see an NHS dentist if they need urgent care for their teeth and take action against tooth decay.

    4. They want to modernise the Mental Health Act to strengthen people's rights. They want to stop people with learning disabilities and autism being put in inpatient placements when they shouldn't be.

    5. They want to make sure all cancer patients start treatment within 2 months of referral. This is just one of lots of changes they would like to make to help people survive cancer.

  4. 4: Green Party views on the NHS

    1. The Green Party want to make sure everyone can see an NHS doctor or dentist, funded by a tax system where the richest pay more.

    2. They want to stop any new people getting HIV by 2030.

    3. They have said they will spend £28 billion on the English NHS over the next 5 years. The money would be used to pay NHS frontline workers more, help people see their doctor faster, provide same-day urgent care, and guarantee everyone an NHS dentist.

    4. They will spend £20 billion to fix old hospitals and primary care buildings and update equipment.

    5. They have also said they will fight to make sure businesses do not buy the NHS.

  5. 5: Reform UK views on the NHS

    1. Reform want frontline NHS and social care staff to pay less tax for their first three years.

    2. They will use independent healthcare - that's healthcare which is not provided by the NHS. They will give people 20% tax relief on private healthcare and insurance.

    3. They want to give people a voucher for private healthcare if they can't see a doctor or get their operation quickly enough.

    4. They want to change the way things work in the NHS to make things work more quickly. This includes things like planning rotas further in advance and charging people who don't attend appointments without giving notice.

    5. They want to get rid of the NHS Race and Health Observatory. This is a group of people who research unfairness in healthcare which impacts people with different skin colours.