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Easy News: The 2024 Olympics and Paralympics

Everything you need to know about the Olympics and Paralympics in Summer 2024

Easy News: The 2024 Olympics and Paralympics

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    1. The Summer Olympics and the Paralympics will be happening from July until September this year. The city of Paris in France will be hosting them.

    2. The Olympic Games is the biggest sports festival in the world. Over ten thousand athletes will be taking part in the Olympics this year. It will start on the 26th of July.

    3. The Paralympic Games is a sports festival for athletes with a disability. It happens after the Olympics, starting on the 28th of August.

    4. There will be many different sports at the Olympics. The Olympics will have 32 different sports, and the Paralympics will have 22.

    5. For the first time, Breaking will be included in the Olympics. This sport is competitive breakdancing, where judges will decide who dances the best.

    6. France is thought to have spent over 4 billion pounds on the Olympics. They spent a lot getting everything ready for all the visitors.

    7. Not all of the sport will happen in Paris. Some will happen elsewhere in France. For example, the surfing events will take place in French Polynesia.

    8. Athletes from many different countries will compete at the Olympics. Athletes will come from more than two hundred different countries to the Olympics and Paralympics.

    9. More than 350 athletes from Great Britain will compete at the Olympics and the Paralympics. At the last Olympics four years ago, they won nearly 200 medals.

    10. Because Russia invaded Ukraine, some people think that Russia should not get to take part in the Olympics. The people who run the Olympics decided they can compete as long as they have not supported the war.

    11. The Olympics and Paralympics will be broadcast on television on the BBC and streamed online on the iPlayer. Visit the BBC Olympics 2024 page here to read and watch videos about the latest news.