The CEIAG programme is bespoke to support student’s personalised timetables. It follows the Gatsby Benchmarks for Good Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance:

1. A stable careers programme
2. Learning from career and labour market information
3. Addressing the needs of each pupil
4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
5. Encounters with employers and employees
6. Experiences of workplaces
7. Encounters with further and higher education
8. Personal guidance 

The CEIAG programme aims to raise students’ aspirations, raise awareness of employment possibilities, removing barriers to employment/further learning. By providing a CEIAG programme that can be implemented and evaluated against the Gatsby Benchmarks, our students can become empowered, self-aware, skilled and independent individuals.  Who can transition successfully into further education, training, employment & Lifelong learning. In addition, they can confidently identify times when they need further support/help and know where they can access the relevant support or be signposted to it.

Our ambitions

The programme intends to:

  • provide students with an awareness of the job opportunities that are available to them based on up-to-date labour market information (Gatsby Benchmark 2)
  • enable students to understand what skills and qualities are needed for different occupations and occupational categories (Gatsby Benchmarks 1, 3, 4)
  • provide the time, space and resources for students to become reflective about their strengths and areas for development concerning employment, learning and independent/supported living (Gatsby Benchmark 3)
  • provide regular encounters with employers, employees, workplaces and further and higher education settings (Gatsby Benchmarks 5, 6, 7)
  • offer personal guidance for our students’ next steps, which is provided independently by CSW, National Careers Service at Eat that Frog and John Walker at Pennisula Training (Gatsby Benchmark 8)

Our programme delivery

CEIAG is embedded throughout the curriculum at ROC College, where we offer 1:1 bespoke programme, with some delivery in small groups. It is delivered out in the community, with students having the opportunity to access our larger hubs, where they can experience different work-related skills and have the opportunity to access independent careers guidance. Students will access CEIAG at different stages of their learning journey, outlined below (See attached PDF)

We offer CEIAG & information sessions for parents via teams

Programme evaluation and impact

We work alongside our local Enterprise Co-ordinator, Benjamin Mitchell to evaluate our CEIAG programme, once a term, using the Compass is a self-evaluation tool designed to allows our Careers Lead and Headteacher to plan and assess the careers programme against the Gatsby Benchmarks.

We work closely with our Curriculum Manager Team and Job Coaches to evaluate the effectiveness of the programme, through weekly feedback sessions at our Senior Leadership Team.

Students & their Parents are encouraged to put forward ideas/thoughts on shaping their CEIAG programme.

We measure the impact of the CEIAG looking at destination data and mapping a student’s journey.