The Trustees of United Response and its Directors are committed to ensuring that people who receive support from us are safe and are free from abuse of any kind. We believe that everyone we support, their families, our staff and anyone who comes into contact with the work we do should be treated fairly and with respect.
United Response will meet this commitment, in particular by ensuring that:
- We listen to the people we support and their family members and follow up on what we are told.
- We have considered, sensitive and up to date policies and procedures to help our staff safeguard the interests of those we support and that such policies, procedures and training are followed at all times.
- We will review any events that could suggest any possible failures to safeguard the interests of those we support and take steps to improve the way we support people.
- We have in place considered, safe and up to date practices to recruit and train our staff and that such practices are followed at all times.
- We communicate with staff on a regular basis to explain what abuse is and what staff should do if they feel that someone maybe being abused or harmed.
- We communicate with staff on a regular basis to encourage people to raise concerns and that we will explain how we will protect anyone who ‘Whistleblows’.
United Response aims to be open and transparent in relation to any instances or suggestions that it has or may have failed to safeguard the interests of those we support and we will apply lessons learned.
Our Director of Quality and Practice, Sarah Battershall, will lead these critical aspects of our work. Those we support, their families, staff and others who come into contact with our work should feel free to contact Sarah Battershall if they have any concerns or want to share good practice and stories.
People we support, their families, staff and others who come into contact with our work who have any concerns about potential abuse or that we are not meeting our commitments can also contact a local manager, area manager or Michael Brent, our Head of Quality & Safeguarding.
Anyone with any concern that United Response is not safeguarding the interests of those it supports, their families, staff or others who come into contact with its work, can also contact Belinda Phipps, our CEO, or call United Response’s confidential hotline number 0208 016 5673.