York / North Yorkshire
We support people with learning disabilities, autism and mental health support needs in York.
If you’re looking for support with any of the following in and around York, please get in touch:
- Support with day-to-day living at home
- Support with learning new skills and getting a job
- Community groups and activities
- Support for people with autism
York supported employment
We support people with disabilities in the York area to get ready for work, find and keep a job that is right for them.
We work with employers and jobseekers to make sure workplaces and inclusive and placements are a success.
Job coaching
Job coaching can help you succeed in the career you want. We offer training in things like CV writing, job applications and interview skills.
We will work with you to understand your skills and interests, so we can find you a job you will enjoy and be good at.
Our support gets results. As of May 2020, 80% of our clients are doing work-related activity, and 62% are in paid work.

Contact the supported employment team
Email: supported.employment@unitedresponse.org.uk
Find out more: download the Supported Employment leaflet.
Make a referral: download the Supported Employment referral form.
Training & community service (URTEC)
URTEC offers training, employment and community services to people with disabilities in the York area.
We can help you to get a job, take part in activities in your local community, and even get work experience and training in our very own Café!
Part of URTEC, The Autism Hub provides specialist services to people with autism.
Find out more about URTEC here.
The Boot Shop, Easingwold
Based in Easingwold, The Boot Shop has supported adults with disabilities in a safe, community space for over 20 years.
The Boot Shop offers workshops in things like life skills, communication skills, health and wellbeing, cookery and drama.
We also offer employment opportunities, and the chance to set up your own business and get paid!
Everyone we support can take part in our small business. It includes furniture restoration, textiles, card making, rural crafts, photography and business management.
We sell the things we make in our small shop, which is open to the public.
Read our blog about The Boot Shop.
Take a look at The Boot Shop on Facebook.