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Quality Checkers visit people supported by United Response, to ask questions to see if people are happy with their support.
Quality Checkers is a programme we’ve been running since 2007. People with lived experience of disabilities and autism work for United Response, visiting services and carrying out audits to ask people we support whether they are happy with their support.
During the visit, the Quality Checker (with the appropriate level of support) will ask a set of questions, review paperwork, and observe practice to complete the check.
Following a visit, the Quality Checkers will put together a report and send this to the relevant service manager(s) so they can make sure that any necessary improvement actions are taken.
Reports are also compared nationally, to provide an overview of how United Response is performing as an organisation. These reports are then shared with directors and trustees.
Quality Checkers creates a meaningful activity for people who might previously have found it difficult to engage with others, plus they get paid for their efforts.
The process encourages peer-advocates to provide their own ‘experts by experience’ view of what is important for and important to other people who use services.